Radiodetection RD8200SG Survey Grade Cable and Pipe Locator
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Locate and Map Buried Utilities in a Single Operation
Radiodetection’s most advanced, combined mapping and locating solution.
RD8200SG - Survey Grade
Create and Maintain Utility Maps in a Single Operation
- Map while you locate
- Integrate utility locating into your mapping procedures
- Integrate mapping into your utility locating procedures, fluently
- Flexibility to work with the system that suits your business
Radiodetection's Most Advanced, Combined Mapping and Locating Solution
- Lightweight and ergonomic
- Advanced rugged design to combat harsh weather conditions and temperatures
- Engineered and built to the highest standards
Strike Reduction Contributes To:
- Increased safety
- Improved service integrity
- Better cost control
- Lower insurance liabilities
- Enhanced reputation
Radiodetection RD8200SG Survey Grade – Brochure
Radiodetection RD8200SG Survey Grade – User Guide
Radiodetection RD8200SG Survey Grade – Technical Specification
Radiodetection RD8200SG Survey Grade – Operation Manuel
Radiodetection RD Map+ – Brochure